tci General Surgery Coding Alert - 2009 Issue 13

You Be the Coder : Does Needle Placement Alter Lumpectomy Code?

Question: A patient had mammographic-directed needle localization of the tumor. The surgeon made an elliptical skin incision directly over the tumor and used electrocautery to divide the subcutaneous fatty tissue and to dissect through breast tissue. The surgeon continued dissection with the electrocautery until the mass, including the localization wires, were removed and included with the specimen as well. The pathology states "lumpectomy, left breast with needle localization, measuring 11 x 8 x 4 cm. Benign dystrophic calcification." Should I code this procedure with 19301-LT or 19125-LT? Louisiana Subscriber Answer: You should use 19301 (Mastectomy,partial [e.g...

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